How We Can Help

Tailored services to meet your community development needs

Service Offerings

Monitoring & Evaluation

Understanding your impact starts with implementing a research-based, monitoring and evaluation strategy. Whether you’re designing a new program or want to start tracking the impact of existing activities, LifeSpring’s got you covered.
We can help you design a monitoring and evaluation plan, including the development of indicators, data collection tools, and a monitoring and evaluation system.

Research Services

We conduct the research needed to help you make informed decisions about program and product development through detailed assessments of market trends, neighborhood conditions, financial feasibility, and client feedback.

Dashboard Development

We can help you generate insights with ease by implementing a intelligence tool to track your business KPIs or analyze community trends. Bring disparate data into one central location for easy access and monitoring. BI Tools can help increase organizational efficiency, automate repetitive business practices, and help you anticipate client needs.

Custom Reporting

LifeSpring designs custom reporting solutions to help you complete your funder’s reporting requirements in a timely fashion.

Capacity Building

Do you suspect your organization is spending valuable time on manual processes that could be automated? We can help you increase efficiency through automation.